windmill_image.jpg Lytham St Annes Road Runners Club
Founded in 1998
'Fitness, Friendship and Fun'

Fylde Active Community Awards 2024 - Club of the Year - Highly Commended

Training Sessions

Tuesday & Thursday

Additional training sessions are arranged to help prepare athletes for competition.

Want to Give it a Try?

Just bring along your child to any of the sessions. Suitable clothing would be running shoes or trainers; shorts or track suit bottoms and t-shirt. For the outdoor sessions an additional top such as a fleece is recommended and a light weight rainproof top is often useful. During the dark winter months Hi Viz Clothing is a must.

It would be helpful if you could download and complete a registration form and then bring it along to the session as this includes information such as contact numbers and any health issues that we should be aware of.

Providing we have the above information your child can be left in our care but, should you wish to, you are more than welcome to stay and watch the session.